At its core, Hip Hop culture is built on values of social justice, respect, self-worth, and having fun. Because of these values, it is increasingly being used as a therapeutic tool when working with young people, with Australian research finding Hip Hop to be positive way for students to engage with their school and wider community, as well as offering safe pathways for young people to express their emotions.
UP&UP Hip Hop music workshops and programs provide a positive and healthy way to connect with young people and encourage their self-expression, confidence, and wellbeing. Our workshops and programs involve individual and collaborative song writing activities led by experienced youth workers, mentors and artists, providing a safe, fun and inclusive experience which can be individually tailored to suit your organisation’s students, clients or staff.
Hip Hop Music Workshops
UP&UP Hip Hop Music Workshops provide young people with the opportunity to create original Hip Hop songs. The workshop can explore a theme that is important to the group or class, such as identity, racism, bullying or belonging, with participants encouraged to express themselves and their opinions using their own words. At the end of the session, participants are encouraged to perform their new song in an empowering and supportive environment.
The workshop covers basic song writing techniques, writing rhymes and lyrics, individual and group writing, and performance.
Hip Hop Music Programs
UP&UP Hip Hop Music Programs are more extensive than the workshops, running over several sessions as we write and record a Hip Hop song. Participants write individual and group rhymes or song lyrics, learn about basic beat making techniques and use recording equipment, learning how to use the microphone and project their voice.
After the session UP&UP will work on post-production and the final song with be sent through for you to distribute to the participants (a video clip can also be produced of the process with the finished song as the soundtrack). Research has found that having a tangible product at the end of a program can foster a new sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.
We accommodate up to 12 participants – it is important to keep these groups small to create a safe and comfortable space for participants to express their personal views and feelings about things that are important to them. A smaller group also enables the facilitators to spend more time with each of the participants, mentoring them through the process of self-expression through song writing.